a closer look at our process

Beauty beyond the bouquet

White pink and orange rose bouquet
Pink carnations

Creating Moments of Connection

Experience the joy of direct impact as Repeat Roses facilitates connections between event hosts and recipients. We share stories, photos, and messages of gratitude, ensuring that the positive energy of your celebration resonates long after the last petal falls.

Beyond the Bouquet

Discover additional ways to make your event even more meaningful. Explore partnerships with local artisans, learn about sustainable event practices, and find inspiration for eco-friendly favors and decor. At Repeat Roses, we’re not just about flowers; we’re about transforming the entire celebration into an experience that echoes with purpose.

Your Questions Answered

Have specific queries about the logistics or want to know more about the journey your flowers will take? Visit our FAQ section to find comprehensive answers and insights into the behind-the-scenes workings of Repeat Roses. We’re here to ensure transparency and make the entire process seamless for you.

How it Works

Your event is a unique expression of love, and so is your contribution. Choose personalized donation options, such as directing your blooms to specific causes or facilities close to your heart. At Repeat Roses, we believe in empowering you to make a difference in ways that matter most to you.

Remove & Redesign

The magic begins the moment your event concludes. Repeat Roses’ dedicated strike team swiftly removes floral arrangements destined for the trash. Breaking them down with care, we transform them into petite bouquets ready to brighten the lives of those in need.

Deliver & Donate

On your behalf, Repeat Roses matches and delivers these blooms to places like hospice care, cancer treatment centers, mental health facilities, and shelters, making an immediate positive social impact in your community. Receive a receipt for your charitable contribution, a beautiful reminder of your kindness to others and the planet.

Protect the Planet

The journey doesn’t end there. Repeat Roses circles back to the donor site to collect the twice-enjoyed blooms for composting. By choosing Repeat Roses, you’re not just giving flowers a second life; you’re actively participating in an eco-responsible cycle. Together, we protect the planet one bouquet at a time, ensuring that your celebration leaves a lasting impact far beyond the event.


Fees begin at $1,500 and are based on the size and scale of your event’s floral plan.

Our fee covers the comprehensive coordination and execution of service by our trained team of professionals. Our fee also includes receipt of the Repeat Roses signature confirmation report of your flowers’ journey from collection through composting. For event venues outside of our typical driving range, we’ll even pay carbon off-sets. Plus, we’ll facilitate the donation acknowledgement as part of our standard service and help navigate the charitable tax credit process upon request.

Areas of Service

Repeat Roses is available across North America.

We recommend scheduling your service at least 30 days in advance in order to ensure a spot on our service calendar.


Repeat Roses sends a team to your event who arrive immediately after the event concludes. The team collects and removes all floral and organic decorative arrangements, which can include vines and branches. Our team then transports everything to a staging facility where the large displays are rearranged into micro, bed-sized bouquets.

Within hours, we deliver your restyled flowers to local non-profits, tagged with your name or organization as donors. You receive news and pictures of your flowers’ recipients—and social media postings, if you want them.WHAT’S INCLUDED IN MY SERVICE FEE?

Finally, we return to each facility to collect the flowers as much as a week later and deliver them to local composting facilities. For journeys longer than five miles, we even pay carbon off-sets.

The Repeat Roses fee covers coordination and execution of service from collection through composting, including:
• Removing all floral arrangements ordered for collection
• Evaluating and dismantling the arrangements, if necessary
• Recycling extra, leftover glass containers
• Composting the non-usable organic waste
• Refreshing the flowers, as needed, prior to delivery
• Providing recycled vases/containers, as needed, to create multiple arrangements
• Delivering the recycled, repurposed blooms to non-profits such as nursing homes, hospice care, family shelters, or a destination of your choice
• Acknowledgement letter and/or donation receipt facilitation (when applicable)
• Reclaiming the flowers after they’ve been enjoyed. Expired flowers are composted and all containers are recycled.

Our service includes Repeat Roses exclusive, comprehensive collection-through-composting.

Pricing typically starts at $1500, depending on the size and scale of your event’s floral plan.


Your estimate covers our travel to and from the location of the venue and your estimated volume of floral arrangements. Sales taxes depend on the state where service is provided. On occasion, additional charges may apply depending on the location of the venue, applicable sales tax depending on your state, as well as the volume and number of arrangements. Please see our Service Terms & Conditions for details that may apply to your specific event.

Donations to non-profit organizations are tax deductible according to IRS regulations, and your donation covers both the costs of the flowers and haulage to get them to and from the non-profits. Repeat Roses ensures the matched facility sends you an acknowledgment letter, providing details of your donation. Consult your tax professional for further information. See Terms & Conditions for more information.

Contact us as soon as possible so that we can make arrangements for your service. Additional fees may apply. If your event is canceled four weeks or more before the scheduled date, you will receive a 90% refund. If your event is canceled with less than 30-days’ notice, you will receive a 75% refund. If your event is canceled with less than 48-hours’ notice, you will receive a 50% refund.

Through our professional teams and service providers, we provide services nation-wide. Some locations will offer only limited composting sites within reasonable driving distances. For those locations, we will explore alternatives to ensure we divert flowers from landfills.
We identify a range of non-profit organizations in your community from residents who need an emotional boost from fresh flowers to shelters to cancer treatment centers. Recipients have included families at Ronald McDonald House, with children undergoing treatment for life-threatening conditions, as well as shelters for victims of sexual abuse and homelessness. To minimize our carbon footprint, we identify local organizations. However, if you have a particular local organization in mind, we are happy to work with you on special requests.

At each partner organization, we work with their staff to determine how to maximize the benefits of your donations. Sometimes, our teams decorate community rooms and common areas to let every resident enjoy the flowers. In other instances, staff identify patients without families or visitors, who receive bed-side bouquets.

No problem! We will coordinate the return of your vases and all other timing/collection details with your florist and venue contacts. We leave your vases on-site for your florist to retrieve and supply our own for the donated arrangements.
How far in advance do I need to reserve my date?

Four to six months is ideal to secure your date to ensure you are on our pickup schedule. The earlier you decide to reserve your date on the calendar, the more time we have to coordinate with your florist and venue. Often, it is easier for your florist to know of your plans to donate your flowers in advance so they can design your arrangements with this information in mind as it relates to vase/container rentals and arrangement structure. Additional fees may apply to events booked with limited notice.

Repeat Roses a for-profit professional service business. In addition to the environmental impact and social good benefits we strive to achieve, we are committed to creating jobs by hiring locally instead of relying on volunteers. To provide top-notch professional service efficiently and effectively, we charge clients and businesses for our comprehensive collection-through-composting services rather than spending our time and resources seeking donations or fund-raising from the community.


We are so very grateful and overwhelmed with joy that you have chosen to make a positive social impact and protect the environment. We look forward to providing you with exceptional service!

Have a question not listed above? Contact us – we’d love to hear from you!

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(410) 218-0217